Teaching & Learning About the Holocaust:
A Seminar with Professor Peter Hayes
Capital District Council for the Social Studies and Holocaust Survivors & Friends Education Center invite teachers to this unique opportunity to hear a presentation by Professor Peter Hayes and to develop lessons related to the Holocaust.
A riveting speaker, Professor Peter Hayes’ latest book is Why? Explaining the Holocaust that provides us with, as one reviewer wrote, “… judicious, thoughtful and balanced answers to difficult and often inflammatory questions.”
Professor Peter Hayes is the chair of the Academic Committee of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Professor of History and German, and the Theodore Zev Weiss Holocaust Educational Foundation Professor Emeritus of Holocaust Studies at Northwestern University, where he received numerous awards for teaching. He holds degrees from Bowdoin, Oxford, and Yale and is the author or editor of twelve books and some seventy articles or book chapters.
His publications include prize-winning works on German corporations and the Holocaust; The Oxford Handbook of Holocaust Studies (co-edited with John Roth), How Was It Possible?: A Holocaust Reader; and Lessons and Legacies: The Meaning of the Holocaust in a Changing World.
An interactive discussion will follow the seminar to assist teachers to bring events and stories to their students. Teachers will receive curricular resources designed to increase students’ critical-thinking skills and their understanding of the Holocaust.
Shelly Shapiro, director, Holocaust Survivors & Friends Education Center, will work with teachers on lesson development.
Location: Jewish Federation Community Services Building, 184 Washington Avenue Extension,
Albany, NY 12203 / Phone (518) 783-7800
Date/Time: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 / 4:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Note: There is no fee, but registration is required. Please register by Tuesday, March 15.
A light supper (vegetarian choice included) will be provided. A Certificate of Participation will be provided.
For more information and to register, please contact Diane Freer at the Holocaust Center, located at the Golub Center at (518) 694-9984 or email
survivors@crisny.org, or Mary Miller at the Capital District Council for the Social Studies,
theliaisoneditor@gmail.com. Teachers seeking CTLE credit for this work be sure to contact Mary Miller or CDCSS President Tom Michalek prior to attending.