Capital District Council for the Social Studies (Albany, NY)
The League of Women Voters of Saratoga County and the
Capital District Council for the Social Studies Present
A Free Workshop for Social Studies Teachers
in Saratoga, Warren and Washington Counties
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Join us for a free 2 ½ hour workshop to learn about county, town, city and village government structure specific to Saratoga, Warren and Washington County. We’ll demonstrate two lesson plans from the new LWV New York Civics Education lessons written by New York State Participation in Government teachers. We’ll also provide an update on the changes in New York’s voting laws, including early voting and pre-registration of 16 and 17-olds.
This workshop is designed for Participation in Government teachers, but it is open to teachers and school librarians of all levels. Lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m. Wifi service will be provided. Questions? Contact Lisa Kissinger at Shenendehowa High School,
The workshop will be held at the Saratoga Springs United Methodist Church, 175 Fifth Avenue (corner of Henning Road & Fifth Avenue), Saratoga Springs, New York
Registration Deadline: Friday, September 20, 2019
CTLE credit will be provided.