Capital District Council for the Social Studies (Albany, NY)
Marking History Tour
You may walk by them every day - patriotic and honored citizens of Rensselaer County and important events are commemorated by the many monuments and memorials were placed throughout the historic district in Troy. Emma Willard, the Vietnam War and The Rensselaer County Soldiers and Sailor’s Monument are just a few of the monuments we will visit on this walk.
Walking Tours meet in front of the Arts Center at 265 River Street.
Before registering, please note the following:
Ticket purchase is required beforehand.
Due to COVID-19 policies and procedures as set forth by New York State, HCM will only accommodate up to ten people on each tour.
The Hart Cluett Museum provides all walking tour participants with headsets, allowing each visitor to listen to the tour guide’s commentary while also ensuring everyone’s safety in accordance with NYS regulations regarding COVID-19. Please note that while you may use or bring your own earpieces/earbuds, single use ear pieces will also be provided by the Hart Cluett Museum at time of tour.
from $5.00 Hart Cluett Museum Member rate, $10.00 Non-member