CDCSS Mini-Conference will be held on Saturday November 2, 2019 from 8:30 to 1:30 pm.
Cost: $15 for Regular members - (please login to the CDCSS site first to access this option)
Only $10 for pre-service teachers.
Registration fee includes light breakfast fare and snacks.
/Registration will begin at 8:15 am.
Here's a more detailed description of each breakout sessions listed in the above flyer:
Beginning at 8:30 am (40 mins)
Mapping Your Way Through History! Engaging ways to integrate history and geography.
In this workshop participants discuss how to engage middle schoolers deeply in historical study by grounding events in the places they occurred. Combining the teaching of history and geography is nothing new but how do you easily integrate geography and history, so engagement and retention is highest for your students? This workshop applies hands-on mapping, proven inquiry strategies to consider the impact geography and environmental factors had on historic figures, their behaviors, places and the events that unfolded. The strategies we will focus on can be applied to both U.S. and World History courses.
Target Audience: Administrators (School & District) & U.S. and World History Teachers
Presenter: Rich Seefeldt, Curriculum Specialist | Social Studies School Service

Beginning at 9:15 am
Preparing Students for the New Global History & Geography Regents Exam
This session will focus on “lessons learned” from administering the new Global History & Geography Regents exam in June and August 2019. Representatives from the local school districts that gave the new exam will share instructional and assessment strategies for all parts of the new test.
Target Audience: Middle and High School
Panelists discussion led by Lisa Kissinger, Shenendehowa Social Studies Administrator
Disciplinary Literacy: Reading and Writing to Learn at the Secondary Level
- An Introduction
The purpose of this presentation is to explicitly define disciplinary literacy, emphasize its importance in the content classrooms, and provide examples of what disciplinary literacy looks like in practice. The goals of the presentation will be accomplished by providing teachers to work independently and as grade level teams to look at the expectations for reading and writing in social studies and determine how they can use these standards to set goals for their teaching and students’ learning- based on the Framework Standards. It is acknowledged that there are no specific disciplinary standards set for speaking and listening, but it will be encouraged that these elements be implemented. Below are talking points that will be discussed with teachers prior to their working time. The last page is an example of supporting materials that will be provided to teachers during their work time. The method of presentation will model workshop style teaching - mini lesson of the what and why of disciplinary practice, modeling what disciplinary literacy should look like in the social studies classroom, teacher work time, and a share out of work with wrap up of key points.
Target Audience: Middle School/High School
Presenter: Alexandra Sapienza, Instructional Coach, 7th grade Social Studies Queensbury MS
Standards Based Grading in the Social Studies Classroom
The main objective is to show how using a standards based grading approach will allow the students and the teacher how to better teach social studies content. Using a standards based grading approach can increase not only test scores but with the use of student trackers this process can help student's become more accountable for their own learning. I will bring a google folder that anyone at the presentation will have access to. All participants will have access to the google slides presentation, student trackers, grading sheets, and content/skill standards that are used in my classroom and my school. Time: 40 mins
Target Audience: Middle School/High School
Presenter: Colleen Heilsberg, Albany Leadership Charter High School for Girls
Beginning at 10:05 am
Political Cartooning
Review strategies to help students analyze and understand historic political cartoons by understanding memes and current cartoonists’ take on society.
Target Audience: Mixed, Time: 40 mins
Presenter: Mary Miller, New York News Publishers Association
Beginning at 11 am
Museums, Historic & Cultural Organizations
Short “Poster Sessions” sharing educational resources, opportunities for tours, etc. Time: 45 mins
Albany County Historical Association, Ten Broeck Mansion
Crailo State Historic Site
Discover Albany
Fort Ticonderoga
Historic Cherry Hill
New York State Archives Partnership Trust
Social Studies School Service
Beginning at Noon
Examining the Enduring Issues Essay
Review procedures for grading and strategies to help students analyze, organize and succeed on the new writing task. Time: 90 mins
Presenters: Sienna Hunt-LeDuc,
Bethlehem HS, Henry Cumoletti, Albany HS
and Kyle Dalton, Green Tech HS
History's Mysteries: Investigating Champlain's Encounter with the Iroquois
This session will delve into the 17th century colonial history of New York and a 200 year old controversy over the precise location of Samuel de Champlain's encounter with the Iroquois in July of 1609. Utilizing primary sources, geographical data, and most recent scholarship on Champlain, teachers will work collaboratively using historical thinking skills, inquiry, and other pedagogy. The goal is lead teachers in instructional practices that will assist their students in developing historically supported theories as to where the encounter took place. In relation to the NYS Framework and social studies practices, teachers will see examples of stimulus based multiple choice & constructed response questions based on the content of the workshop. Lesson ideas and primary sources will be shared with each participant.
Audience: Mixed, Time: 40 minutes
Presenters: Tim Potts, Department Instructional Lead & Teacher (6-8th grade), Robert J. Kaiser Middle School, Monticello, NY
Rich Strum, Director of Academic Programs, Fort Ticonderoga, Ticonderoga, New York
Focused Inquiry Approach for AP US History
This session will examine a collection of selected documents and discuss strategies to help students choose evidence from the documents that supports different arguments relating to topics in American History.Specific examples include: Conquest of the West, Industrialization and Immigration. Time 90 mins
Target Audience: High School
Presenter: Rick Hengsterman, Ballston Spa HS
Beginning at 12:50 pm for 40 mins:
Blending Visual Literacy and Social Studies: Producing digital magazine covers and digital infographics with students
This presentation will review how an 8th grade social studies teacher and a technology integration specialist co-taught to create digital 1920s magazine covers and digital infographics about the Korean War Memorial. Attendees will leave with an overview of steps to implement these projects in their classrooms.
Target audience: upper elementary, middle and high school
Presenter: Annie Baker has taught middle school social studies for 17 years. She currently teaches 8th grade social studies at Bethlehem Middle School.